Youth Life

9 Things Zimbabweans Love To Share On Social Media But Shouldn’t (And Why You Shouldn’t)

9 Things Zimbabweans Love To Share On Social Media But Shouldn’t (And Why You Shouldn’t)

The mobile social revolution is upon us. For the first time ever we live in an age where the ability to create and publish content is no longer restricted. We are entering a new age where people consume information from people they like , trust and care about most.

We are no longer restricted by different time zones and boundaries. From Whatsapp, Facebook and Twitter there are now a variety of ways and mediums of communicating and connecting with our friends and loved ones. It’s old school again where good news and meaningful causes were spread by word of mouth. Storytelling has become cool again.

People now tell and share exciting stories in a variety of media through memes (remember Tezvara vemashorts), videos (the PO Box guys) just to mention a few.But there’s always a caveat, with great power comes great responsibility. We need to be careful with what we share on Social Media. below are a few things that you should not share on Social Media.


1. Relationship drama

Having issues with your friend,colleague or better half, Facebook certainly isn’t the place to air your dirty laundry. Remember what is shared on Social Media cannot be reversed. Yes, you might delete the post but sometimes not fast enough before your screenshots have been captured.

2. Pic of you sloshed at a party or hand placed where it shouldn’t be.

Think about this. How many times have you seen this? A lot I assume. if you are employed or looking for a job, then you should realise that you are doing your brand a huge disservice. Employers always look for these things before they take on a new hire.

3. Posting Nudes

Miss Zimbabwe models for some reason have an affinity for posting nudes as frequent as Zim Dancehall artists churn out songs. Sharing intimate or private pictures on any social media site is never a good idea regardless of whether you are sharing to a close knit group, these things have a way of getting out into the public domain somehow. Definitely not cool at all.

4. Cussing Your Boss on Social Media

I get it people can have less than a stellar relationship with their boss. Maybe you think your boss is a douchbag or you find her frustrating, but this should never be a reason to thrash your boss on social media. It is definitely a career suicide.

5. Extreme Views on Politics and Religion

Freedom of expression is good but should never impede another person’s freedom as well. Politics and Religion are very sensitive, you are advised to tread carefully on such.

6. That you are thinking of having an affair

Married or not, having an affair is never cool. Worse is hinting it on social media. Your better half would be embarrassed to death. have some feelings please.

7. Photos that reveal that you were not sick when you called in sick at work

If you happen to take a sick leave, make sure you do not share pics that show otherwise or else you will have some explaining to do when you go back to work. The same applies when you are planning to take a sick leave don’t share it on social media.

8. That you recently committed a crime

Yeah I know sounds like a something that you happen only movies but it has happened before in real life. Google it and you find countless cases.

9. Personal Bank accounts or balances

You do not want to make yourself a target for hackers or even robbers. As such never share this information unless you have more money than brains.

Article By Tinashe Nyaruwanga


Twitter: @tnyaruwanga

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