How to improve yourself image
A positive self image can provide you with confidence and with the good feelings that make it possible for you to do your best, and to say no when confronted with the temptation of dangerous or damaging behaviours. But what if you lack in that positivity? When you don’t believe in yourself and what you worth you tend to develop a personality that brings your self-esteem down, In order to have a successful and fulfilling life, you need to develop a positive self image. A negative self image can influence the kinds of friends you have, the choices you make and the performance at school and work. In order to a have successful and fulfilling life a person needs to have self image. Here are some of the reasons of negative self esteem and turning them into positives.
We live in the negative society and all the time deal with negative people
Successful people are minority, they manage to break a wall of mediocrity and rise above the crowd. It is not easy to follow your dreams, because at every turn someone gives you an advise how to do better and what to do. They say you’re crazy, you lose your mind. So some people end up choosing the easiest way, join the crowd and follow other people goals instead of their own.
People always make fun of the talents, intellectual abilities, and appearance of others. Parents, friends, teachers often have doubt about the abilities of a person.
Regardless of how well you accomplish the task; there are some people who will criticize you. Either because you do not do something or do something. In the basis of criticism is the feeling of maximizing the self importance. Those who criticize feel the lack of self esteem and self confidence. When you pull ahead, you leave behind many people and they try to pull you down. If you do not understand this you lower yourself image. Other people think only and exclusively about themselves.
Putting emphasis on some event you failed.
Success consists in failures. If you fail you cannot take it as the life failure. You cannot take yourself negatively and most of all you cannot lower yourself image, and think about yourself as a failure. You have to draw a conclusion, analyze your mistakes and continue moving forward. Often failures are blessings. If you take a mistake as something bad, you will miss great opportunities. Failures are the messengers of future changes to the best, if you take them positively.
Comparing yourself to other people
You cannot compare yourself to other people, because you’re absolutely different. Each person is unique, each person has his own values, you do not know about. Often people compare their weaknesses to other people strengths. Of course they excel you in these values. You have your own strengths and you have to find them and apply for your own success. You can become successful only and only applying your strengths. Applying and developing your weaknesses is the road to suffering. Forget about your weaknesses, and focus on your strengths, then you can compare your strengths to someone else’s same values. You will excel them each time.
Here is a method that you can try on how to build up and maintain positive self esteem. It is simple and very.
Look at yourself in the mirror. And when you look in the mirror tell yourself positive words. For example, ‘I’m a successful person’, ‘I love you’, ‘I believe in you’, ‘all the time you are making right decisions’, ‘you are prosperous person’, ‘you are a winner’ etc. Notice your own positive traits of character. Fall in love with yourself regardless of who are you right now. If you do not like your appearance, start notice positive things in your appearance. We do not believe, you have only disadvantages. Little by little you will see yourself quite different. You can also do this by writing it down, self advertisement, write whatever you want each day and stand in front of the mirror and read it.