Youth Life

Human Rights Activist Tendai Garwe Interview

Tendai Garwe or Sokostina as she’s known across social media is a human rights activist who is doing her voice heard on so many gender issues facing our communities. We spoke to her about child marriage, Prosecutor Tomana’s statements and your rights as a young Zimbabwean. Check out the inspiring interview below.


Q: We know you as Tendai Garwe the activist from social media and radio, how do you describe yourself?

A: Open-minded, truth-telling and die hard loyal person. Who loves following and watching my son play sport. I am a writer, a critic, oh I can critic! I am a strategist and I know how to spot greatness a mile away! Of course, I am a lover of all things satisfying. I love my God like David did, with my flaws, but hey such genuine passion! I am a big sister to many, I love to mentor and motivate. I feel alive when I have a microphone in my hand or in front of me! I read like mad and I love music, I am sapiocreature who is octopatic all 8 tentacles work perfectly.

Q: What are some of the causes you are passionate about?

A: I am a dynamic African feminist organizer adept at vocalizing, and bringing public attention, to important issues often viewed as taboo within the status quo of Zimbabwean society. I am passionately driven to prioritize gender equality and inclusion of women and girls within all aspects of development through concerted advocacy and activism around issues that relate to their positioning within a dominantly patriarchal society. I definitely was passionate about the #gumbura #dontminimisemyrights #mybodymypolitics #orangeday #sexworkersarrests #tomanamustgo #bringbackourgirls among plenty others, some I have forgotten, too many issues kani, too many!

Q: Did you study towards activism or did something happen that made you want to do more and help others?

A: No, baby, I was born this way. My Dad tell me, from a very tender age I used to advocate and stand firmly for what I believed in and was not intimidated by anything or anyone. So I am from the school of hard-knocks, I studied by experience lol! And, yes, a lot did happen to me actually. I am survivor of a number of violations including gender based violence, sexual violence and economic struggle; I am very sympathetic with anyone going through or is exposed to such. I don’t like seeing helpless women and girls because they are more exposed and prone to abuse, so I try all I can to help, or mobilize help. I have great sisters and brothers, fellow activists who will rally quickly to help someone in need!

Q:What are your thought on Prosecutor Tomana’s statements on girls as young as 12 being seen as grown enough to conduct in sexual activities?

A: I am outraged! Those were careless utterances attributed to the Prosecutor General in relation to the debate on age of consent. Children should not be sacrificed for the non-functional economy, rather we call for those in decision making to address the socio-economic problems he has raised.
Patriarchy has SYSTEMATICALLY designed marriage as an achievement and the ultimate goal for every girl, which is ridiculous. How does a grown men, see himself heavily breathing on top of a helpless, confused and clueless child? How? I mean if we allow children at 12 to consent to sex, they might as well, drink, vote, be voted for, drive and do everything an adult can legally do! I look at my son, he is 12 in 6months and he doesn’t even know what he wants to eat, or know where he wants to be circumcised or not; then you say he can consent to sex. The worst part is its mainly directed to girls, because patriarchy wants to still control the woman’s body from a very young AGE; access, power and control over, mxxxxxxxxm. I am upset! Wait, some women my age, don’t even know sex is for pleasure, and that body is not even close to ready for reproduction, sis man!!!!

Q: How does this relate to rape issues and child molestation in our country?

A: Rape and child molestation is a real think and is rampant. There has been an increase in reported cases to the police, there are a lot more cases that go unreported or controlled at family level, because the molester could be the sole breadwinner of an extended family. Now imagine of a case of his word (adult male) against hers (girl) regarding consent. We are opening a highway to disaster, how the children feel protected and secure. The attitude with the police and hospitals will be to interrogate the victim before serving or prosecuting the offender. Now would you go and report, if you were a suspect to your own violation?


Q: What can people do to make their voices be heard more than just hashtagging on twitter?

A: Lol, the hashtags, oh the hashtags, I know they bring a story together, but we have become lazy activists, we need to take action, be on the ground, get down and dirty. Also stimulate the conversation everywhere so that we have the same voice echoing on the streets, in churches, at home, in media and even in bedrooms. It’s just we wait for other people to do it and just want to enjoy the benefits. We can’t all advocate for the same things, but if it makes you angry and uncomfortable it means it’s now more than a hashtag issue, get off your rusty dusty and do something! Because if you are not outraged, you’re not paying attention!

Q: Is this a step back in our fight to stop child marriage in Zimbabwe?

A: A huge step back! Wait like a 100 steps back. The worst part is the more he tries to clarify or justify himself they more he entangles himself. There has been a lot of work that has been done regarding child marriage in Zimbabwe. Its like he just took all that hard work and put it in a pit latrine!!
His utterances, do not coincide with what the President, as SADC and AU Chairperson clearly outlined the official position. In his opening speech of Child Parliament He was clear that a child’s physic cannot be used as yardstick to determine whether a child can consent to sex. Even the VP and Minister of Justice Hon. Mnangagwa agreed with the president. You see he is an information authority and he cannot be careless with his opinion, because of his office, some ignorant pedophiles will take his word for it and start manipulating children into “consenting”

Q: What do you think is the solution for many young girls who are sitting at home because their parents can’t afford to send them to school, what is their way out of poverty?

A: Now that is one elephant sized question, complex and might take us forever to bit and chew because the elephant keeps growing and mutating right before our very eyes. Let’s start with it’s their constitutional right to be in school, so it breaks my heart that they are seated at home. What is more saddening is that we tend to shave them to gender roles type money making jobs, that bring about a whole new beast called child exploitation, and then don’t get me started on the war with vendors. This one is definitely on the government! They have to find solutions, I also suggest there is a ministry assigned to children and their welfare, not to be distributed among numerous ministries. Honestly I cannot think of a solution which does not involve government intervention or extended family support, this needs a group Professors my friend


Q: Can you please name some of the organizations young girls and women in general can go to if they are facing abuse of any kind but feel like they can’t tell those close to them?

A: The first point of call in Women’s Coalition of Zimbabwe which is the mother hen for most women and girls organization, they will place them quickly. They also definitely need to have Zimbabwe Women’s Lawyers Association (ZWLA), I have great faith in The Girls Legacy and Childline for the young girls. I was helped so much by Musasa, every woman needs them on speed dial and of course the Police

Q: What would you want every young Zimbabwean woman to know about their value and worth?

A: Sweety, noone can make you inferior without your consent; never give anyone control over you. Also know this, no one owes you anything, and you definitely owe no one nothing! You only have one life to live and make sure you too leave a legacy that you are proud of. Once you think you owe someone something, you sell your soul and devalue your self-worth immediately. You are far more precious that rubies and only you can teach people how to love you, treat you and value you! We all have made mistakes and today is not too late to start anew, its never too late. I live by the quote below:

“Confront the dark parts of yourself, and work to banish them with illumination and forgiveness. Your willingness to wrestle with your past demons will cause your angels to sing forever.” ― August Wilson

Q: Any words of encouragement or advice to the youth of Zimbabwe?

A: There is a Greek proverb that says, “Your greatest challenge is to get to know yourself! Know Yourself.” You never wake up one day and you know yourself, it’s not an event either. Self-knowing a conscious effort and it’s a process. It definitely is like peeling off layers of onions; it will cause you to tear and will leave a smell that will last long enough to remind you what you were doing. It’s scary to remove the layers, but the only way to run your race the best way you know how, is when you know whom you are, embrace where you came from, know what you need to change and whom you are becoming! Find you, don’t live in anyone’s shadow. They might not understand or recognize you, just do you! Run your race, the best way you know how and stick to your lane! You are not in competition with anyone but yourself, strive to be better than you were yesterday, that’s all!

Q: Where can people reach you, social media or number?

People can find me on:

FB Page Sokostina

Twitter @sokostina

email: [email protected]

number: 0732888596

You can  listen to the love lounge on ZIfm, myself with Dj Eskay on wicked Wednesday, oh you will love it i promise!

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