Key qualities employers look for

Young people fresh from college often find themselves on the job market and searching for employment upon finishing their studies. A fundamental question that often a time pops up in the minds of job seekers concerns the key traits that organizations deem as critical when making a decision on who to hire. Below are fundamental charateristics that employees hunt for.
Work ethic – The most important characteristic that organisations look for when hiring is ones ability to put maximum effort in their work. In many scenarios it may not be the most intelligent employees that gain favour in the eyes of supervisors, but the workers with a good work ethic are the most valued ones. While numerous characteristics come into play an employee with the hunger to sacrifice much of their time getting things done is the most valued.
Going the extra mile and exhibiting a willingness to complete tasks even after normal working hours is a trait that employers do not take lightly. Going the extra mile is a sign of dedication and is undoubtedly a trait that organisations look for in an employee.
Creative – another fundamental aspect that employees value in a worker is ones ability to come up with creative solutions which ultimately solves problems. Working hard is vital but being a creative thinker is of paramount importance. Paying attention to detail and always looking to suggest ways of solving particular problems is a skill that often lacks in employees making such a trait fundamental.
Presentability – How one looks is a key area that is often underestimated. It is often said first impressions count thus when working for an organization how you present yourself to clients and fellow employees becomes of paramount importance. While it may grossly depend on ones field, being presentable is a key area for those in fields such as sales which involve having to interface with clients.
Honesty – A critical value which organizations are keen on is honesty. Honesty entails telling the truth at all times as failure to reveal the truth often results in lack of trust on the part of the employer. A dishonest employee bears a high risk of getting cayggt up in costly behaviour such as fraud thus the need for one to be completely honest to their employer.
Efficiency – efficiency entails completing tasks in the quickest possible time. With organisations looking to maximize output with the least possible workforce an efficient employee becomes fundamental. While long working hours are valued, an employee that is able to complete a task efficiently in a very small preiod of time is of great value to an organisation.