A Rehab Rapper Has Been Using My Material Without My Consent Says Terry Shan

How’s Terry-Shan doing in 2015?
Honestly, its been one hell of ride. Been working very hard for quite some time but now im back up on my feet. A lotta rsppers always like to create the impression that they are really prospering and excelling but when you see them in person its an entirely different story. I even had to be MIA for the better part of last year just to get my career together.
Who did you look up to growing up?
Eminem, Jay-Z, Big Pun, Biggie Smalls, Nas, Gangstarr, Andre 3000, Method Man, Mos Def and Kanye West
You were crowned battle KING by the Platform Magazine in 2009, Who was the hardest challenge?
I’d have to say two emcees, Major Crook(of Crook Ave) and Ishy X. The thing i regret the most about that battle with Ishy was that it wasnt on Camera, I dont think Zim rap truly honors the true lyricists it ha. Ishy X was a monster. I wish I did battle Outspoken because to me he was always the one i wanted to prove myself to.
Does the battle scene even exist anymore?
Its virtually non-existent. I dont think Zim Rap truly embraced Hip Hop culture in its essence such as the battle. Take South Africa for example they have a battle rap circuit that has been thriving for years known as Scrambles4Money. The lyricists there are at a world class level to a point where prominent battle rapper like Ness Lee, Lexx Luthor come and battle them. I just dont think Zim rap is lyrically competitive as it used to be in 2009 during the days of the circle at Manenberg, you know when it was still vibrant.
You left for South Africa in 2011 and by the end of 2012 you were the first ever Zimbabwean MC to be a finalist for the Hip Hop To Freedom competition! What was the best outcome of it?
Well i have to say the artists i met, the exposure, the experience of meeting rappers like Pro-Kid, was amazing. Even the record labels offering me contracts really was fulfilling
You had a pretty big single (Ciroc & Rolla) that year too, to what extent did that contribute to your success that year?
Most definitely. With my reputation people tend to marginalise me as just a battle rapper and a freestyler but after that song i pretty much proved to be the full package as far as what it is to be rapper.
Signed versus Independent and why?
Independent, Being signed labels live to thrive off your creative capabilities. You make a hit they own the rights and you stay struggling the way you shouldnt be.
So do you feel demoralised after having so many accolades but still being under rated?
Well I partially blame myself because like a lot of artists I focused on the quality of my material instead of my administration. Which is why i spent the better part of last year trying to put my independent stable together. So I know from here on out what ever i do best all the benefits will come into my pocket. Every artist deserves that.
A lot of people have been hearing lyrics from your previous material being released on recent tracks. Was this done with your consent or are they stolen?
Well some re-hab singer(you probably wont know him) hit me up to use the hooks for one of my songs. I refused and I never gave him the permission to do so. But he went ahead and did it any way. Then one of my mans from my hood told me he heard another one of my singles ‘New York Diesel’ was used for another rappers project. I really tried to look into this matter but decided to leave it as it is. It hurts to rep your city and get stolen from but never get credit for what you do great. But that’s Zim rap right?
How did you get your parents to believe in your dreams?
Years of convincing, sacrifice, initiative, and accolades to prove myself. This ain’t the life they send you to school for. You have to make people believe sometimes.
How can your fans reach you?
Just follow me on Twitter my soundcloud is on my profile. So just follow me @donne1991
Any words of wisdom for the youth of Zimbabwe?
Know what you’re good at and become the best at it. No one asked you to be alive so you might as well enjoy it
What have you learnt about pursuing your dreams?
Slavery can be beautiful if you’re laboring for what you love.