Sir Wicknell Not Impressed With Pasuwa’s Actions

Businessman Sir Wicknel is not impressed with Pasuwa’s actions, who apparently rushed to tell the press about ZIFA’s failure to pay him without consulting Sir Wicknel, who had promised to pay him in the first place.
Wicknel posted on his facebook page earlier today complaining about Pasuwa’s bad behavior and also about the Sunday Mail tarnishing his image saying ”I was very disappointed to read this article yesterday in the Sunday Mail suggesting I have failed to honor my commitment to pay the coach’s salary. With the greatest respect this foolish and over zealous reporter needs psychiatric attention” .
“The basis of this article was to give an impression that I have failed to pay him or I have given ZIFA the money and they have not paid him. None of the above is correct and it must further be noted that Pasuwa is not the only head ache ZIFA has so for him to go to the press and start telling them about his daughter and his rental issues in Greendale before telling me or waiting for me to resolve the issue is gross disrespect”.
Sir Wicknell said ” Such behavior displays an ungrateful person and is totally unacceptable in my world. He drives a brand new TOYOTA that i bought , a car that i see being driven only by executives. I can afford to pay him 7000 dollars every day for the next 10 years and still not feel it. As soccer supporters journalists must also all remember I’m doing something NO ZIMBABWEAN has ever done since independence so the least I expect is appreciation”.
However, Sir Wicknel did not back down because of these allegations instead he promised to set up the escrow account today and make sure Pasuwa’s one year salary is secured. Either than that, his future plans are to give others a chance to support National pride.