Tererai Mugwadi is just amazing says Meyniak
How is Meyniak doing in 2015?
I’m grand mate, starting of on a promising note got alot of great opportunities coming my way and it can only get better, hopefully.
Who did you look up to growing up?
Never really had one role model, but i liked Whitney Houston, Don Williams and Sekuru Gora at some point.
How did you get the name Meyniak?
It’s so simple, one of my friends just took it of from my personality when i’m in the studio
What was the most valuable lesson you learnt from making your Before Dawn: The Sire album?
I think the 1st one should be patience. It takes alot of work to create a project that a’m confident with. It takes alot more to try and make
other people believe that vision which makes me greatful to those who were part of every aspect that led to the completion of the album. i also learnt
how important it is blend the business side of things when trying to expand beyond just buping tracks in my lounge and making music outside the ‘bedroom studio’ its
good to understand that their different stages that need to be reached when creating and marketing my product. Last but not least.
If money wasn’t an object which car would you be driving and why?
Lol…cars?? I’m not a car fan man, but i love me some Sunny Box..my dad used to own one and i got some memories attached to that car, so that would be my choice
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I’m challenging myself to play instrument, so from now till then I want to be good at playing at least 3 instruments, 1 being a wind instrument. I also want to expand
My writing capabilities so i’m hoping to cross genre and write for various artists within the music industry in and out of Zimbabwe….plus start up a business
maybe in growing flowers and stuff.lol i have a thing for horticulture.
At what point will you say ‘I am a successful artist’?
Success is a difficult measure, i know that cause i constantly challenge myself and it might be cliche to say i’m never really satisfied (in a constructive way)
so that is pretty impossible to say, however happiness in bringing about some form of positive change to others through my lifestyle could be a start.
If you had to collaborate with a female vocalist who would it be and why?
Jasmine Thompson maaaaaaaaaaann! I love how she arranges notes and her voice,she speaks to me. a writing session with Emile Sande would be a dream as well.
What’s the weirdest thing a fan has ever done to you or for you?
She was an open stalker. (it was a bit scary and sweet)
Who are your top 5 local artists?
this is no particular order though but I’d put Tererai Mugwadi, Dominic Benhura, Lernard Dembo, Steve Chikoti and Act
Who is your celeb crush?
Tererai Mugwadi is just amazing man
Any words of wisdom for the youth of Zimbabwe?
Live Simply, Laugh Often, Love Deeply
Where can your fans reach you?
Facebook: Meyniak