Youth seminar on the cards

A youth day workshop is on the cards with the young set to benefit from the expertise of top facilitators that have been drawn from different sectors. With the youth faced with a plethora of challenges the workshop has been set for the 27th of April at the memorable country club in Harare.
Modern day youth often find themselves with no clue of how to deal with numerous aspects of their lives but the workshop of 27 April will seek to come up with some of the possible solutions to a series of challenges that the youtn are confronted with.
Given the rise in number of divorce cases at Zimbabwean courts the youth often find themselves in a state of depression and having to deal with the separation of parents. The workshop will seek to profer solutions to the youth in such a scenario as if not addressed the separation of parents can be devastating if not properly dealt with.
Also up for duscussion will be school and work performance. The youth often find themselves underperforming in school and work not because they want to but perhaps due to mental health issues that may be a hinderance to optimum performance. While mental health is one of the most ignored subjects, the youth will be privy to expert advice at the 27th of April workshop which will explore on ways in which the youth can best achieve what they want to.
Dr Fazana, Dr Nel, Dr Nharire and Dr Pythias Yermeyahu will be among the guest speakers that will provide the youth with valuable advice regarding how best they can advance themselves for a prosperous future. The seminar can be attended by youth from 14 years of age to those that have reached maturity stage.