Youth Life

5 Ways To Create A Culture Of Innovation

Smart business leaders shape the culture of their company to drive innovation. Every company’s culture is different which means when you’re cultivating innovation, you’re cultivating a unique system. Here are five ways you can use to build a culture of innovation and sustain it.

1. Define your company’s mission around innovation

Most companies do not have a mission statement, all they know is they want to become the number one service provider or come out with the best product in the world. These generic, broad-based goals do little to spark innovation. You build an innovation capability by changing your culture, frame the way you want to change the world and make it about the customer.

2. Start being symbolic

Symbols come in many forms like values statements, awards, success stories, posters in the hallways, catch phrases and they represent the underlying values of an company. They help shape the mindsets and behaviors of new and existing employees.

3. Embrace experimentation

Experimentation can create a pivot that changes the foundation of a business. Publicly affirm the person who experiments that it’s not so much about the success or the failure, it’s about the experiment. Experiments detach us from the outcome. Learn to value progress more than outcome.

4. Accept the objective reality

Share candid stories with your team of what you’re doing to make it work and openly ask for candid feedback. Accept that the business could succeed or it could fail and don’t stress about it or use it to provoke fear, only acknowledge the real reality.

5. Step back

Allow your team “free” time to experiment with new technologies, products, or processes that can catalyze the next big thing. Give just enough structure and support to help people navigate uncertainty and tap into the creative process without stifling it.

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