The Key To Being Happier Is Much Simpler Than You Think

Wondering why you aren’t getting anywhere with that cute girl at work? Confused because the girl you once met blew you off after your first date? Was it something you said? She probably won’t tell you, because she’s polite. Good news that doesn’t mean you’re doomed to ignorance forever! There are certain conversational traps that men often fall into, like bad habits. You may not even realize it but if you’re doing any of the things on this list, there’s an excellent chance she thinks you’re annoying
1) Unsolicited Advice On How To Fix Our Problems
Sometimes women talk about their problems without wanting advice on how to solve them. A radical concept! But it is born of a basic human need: the need to vent. When she tells you about the horrible thing at brunch, you don’t need to immediately respond with, “Well, why don’t you take a hike?” Chances are she already knows what the solution is. Maybe the obvious solution is not feasible, for whatever reason.
2) Joking When Women Are Being Serious
Yeah, yeah, you all heard that women love funny men. That doesn’t mean that you’ll win her heart by firing off jokes when she’s in the middle of a work crisis! Contrary to popular opinion, it probably won’t make her feel better.
3) Correcting Us On Points Of Trivia
No, friend. She will not. Nor will she appreciate you pointing out that her favorite band was formed in 1999 instead of 1998. Here’s a simple test: Is the correction Really Important? Is it a life-or-death issue? If it’s not, consider letting this one go.
4) Never Asking Us Questions About How We Are
If you’re texting a girl, be sure to ask her questions. Why? Because if you don’t, the conversation will die. It’s really as simple as that. How can you play tennis with a partner who doesn’t return your ball? Why should she respond to a long text about your day, unless you follow up with “How was your day?” She wants to date a man who’s interested in her life. What books she likes. What her favorite flavor of ice cream is. If you’re not psychic and you don’t ask her questions, how will you ever figure out it’s mint chocolate chip?
5) Seizing Every Opportunity To Have A Debate
No, her Facebook status is not the place for you to begin a 300-comment thread debating her opinion. Debating isn’t necessarily fun! It can be exhausting to have everything you say questioned or argued with. If you don’t agree with something your date says, you don’t have to have a debate about it. Imagine being the guy she tells her friend about the next day