Find Out How Well You Know Acronyms

Some people speak in a foreign language made up entirely of acronyms, while others think FML might be shorthand for female. Luckily there are some helpful quiz to test where you fall on the internet abbreviation spectrum.
1. OMG
Oh my god
2. BRB
be right back
3. LOL
laugh out loud
talk to you later
5. JK
just kidding
6. NP
no problem
laughing my f****** a** off
8. WTF
what the f***
9. POV
point of view
10. TMI
too much information,
11. EOD
end of day
12. DL
down low
13. FML
f*** my life
14. DND
do not disturb
15. ROFL
rolling on floor laughing
16. LMK
let me know
17. IMHO
in my humble opinion
18. MILF
mom I’d like to f***
19. GMAB
give me a break
20. AFK
away from keyboard
21. TCB
taking care (of) business
22. TYVM
thank you very much
23. SMH
shake my head
24. EAD
eat a d***
25. WOW
world of warcraft
26. HTML
hypertext markup language
27. LAMP
Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP/Python/Perl (or look at me post)
28. MMS
multimedia messaging service
29. CSS
counter-strike: source
what you see is what you get