Nkosana Mazibisa Only Zimbabwean Listed On The Forbes Africa “Africa’s 30 under 30 for 2016

”This is the most important list of the year for FORBES AFRICA. If one young African reads it and is inspired enough to start a business it has done its job,” says Chris Bishop, Managing Editor of FORBES AFRICA.
The list was edited by Ancillar Mangena, a FORBES AFRICA journalist and an under 30 herself. She spent months looking for the best, this continent has to offer. Research coupled with nominations from readers brought the number to 250 potential under 30’s. The team worked for weeks, verifying and investigating, to whittle it down. The team favored entrepreneurs with fresh ideas and took into account their business size, location, potential, struggles and determination. A panel of judges then debated the final 30.
”This has been a very long but interesting journey. I think I am more excited about the list a little more than the entrepreneurs. I have become attached to each and every one of them because the vetting process was so long and I had to talk to them often. I am confident they are the billionaires of tomorrow. Peruse them, argue over them and follow their journeys. We find this list exciting, thought provoking and forward looking,” says Mangena .