Promising actuarial scientist Craig Jason succumbs to cancer

Students at the University of Zimbabwe and the general populace have been rocked by the death of a budding young student. Jason Craig, who was studying actuarial science at UZ succumbed to cancer of the oesophagus recently. He was only 21. Jason had made several appeals for help in order to receive the necessary medical care.
Those who wrote on social media described the young man as a sweet, humble and loving young man with big dreams. He was diagnosed with cancer of the oesophagus which affects the lymph nodes. This rare type of cancer usually affects the elderly but strangely enough, Jason was diagnosed with it. He had to undergo an 8 hour operation to remove the cancerous tumor and have his oesophagus shortened. His health woes did not end there as the growths started developing in his intestines.
Jason appealed for help and said the surgery as well as consultations with specialists had left his family deep in debt. His colleagues had also made several appeals for help. Jason eventually passed away recently robbing has s family of their very own promising scientist whose future was shiny bright.
There has been an outpour of emotional messages in social media. Some have called for a cancer fund to be set up so that people can receive financial assistance promptly . Cancer has become a common ailment for most people in the country and with lack of medical resources, people are dying without getting the necessary medical attention. Private consultation fees and hospitalisation costs are exhorbitant such that most people can barely afford them. There have been calls for government to revamp the health sector by bringing in the necessary facilities required for cancer patients so that they can get treatment at affordable rates.