Youth Village Zimbabwe Nominated for 2018 Zim Blog Awards

Youth Village Zimbabwe has been nominated for 2018 Zim Blog Awards. The Zim Blog Awards are a set of 30 awards that recognize excellence in dedication to blogging in Zimbabwe. The inaugural awards will be held on 9 March 2018 at Moto Republik in Harare.
Voting for the Zimbabwean Blog Awards commenced on the 1 st of February 2018 and will close on the 21 st of February. Voting is open to anyone and everyone, local and abroad. The public can vote as many times as they want and the poll is public.
The awards are the brainchild of an organisation called Tribe of Influencers. Tribe of Influencers is a network of local creatives brought together to collaborate, connect and create a community to advance the creative
industries. Organisers of the event said bloggers will be showcased and honored through these awards in 30 categories. The categories include fashion, entertainment, lifestyle, environment, religion, arts and culture and personal blogs.
Winners will be determined through public vote and by a panel of qualified judges. Winners in each category will be awarded a recognition badge for display on their site or social media platforms and they will also receive a certificate.
The top four finalists with the most public votes from each category will be shortlisted to go into the final round of the competition. This is where they will be judged by a panel of qualified experts. The judges include Faith Ndlovu, Mike Tashaya, Simukai Whande, Zenzele Ndebele and Charles Muzonzini.
Some of the affiliates of the Zim Blog Awards are blogging associations or content creator groups such as Bloggers Zimbabwe, VMCZ, Harare WordPress Meet Up, Moto Republik, Zimbabwe Online Content Creators, Afrobloggers, Byo Bloggers and Digital Republic. Some of the sponsors are include Zol.
To vote for your favourite blogs you can visit the website at